
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Intercessions ~ Feast of the Lord's Epiphany

6th century mosaic ~ St. Apollinaire, Ravenna

On the Feast of the Lord's Epiphany we pray for those who feel they are stumbling around in darkness:/ who feel lost,/ demeaned,/ hurt,/ discouraged,/ inconsolable./ frightened./ For those who carry within themselves the burden of separation and loneliness./ We pray to the Lord.

On this feast of light/ we pray for the people of good will/ who bravely deal with the deep shadow of terrorism/ gripping our world today/ and causing such fear and confusion./ We pray to the Lord.

The Magi visit the Child of Bethlehem and his Mother./ And so we pray for children everywhere:/ that they would be welcomed,/ loved,/ protected/and given all they need to grow/ as full and happy human persons./ We pray to the Lord.

Eastern Christians celebrate Christmas today./ We pray for them/ and for Christian homes everywhere/ to be centers of joy and hope,/ and for the strengthening of Christians who are threatened or menaced for their believing./ We pray to the Lord.

In the winter time/ we pray for people who lack stability and security./ For those who are homeless,/ cold,/ or out of work, / and that we would be aware and generous in performing the works of mercy./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who died/ or who were wounded in the terrorist attack in Istanbul at the start of the new year./ We recall too the 4th anniversary of the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School/ asking for a new guiding star/ leading the nation to be healed of its terrible gun violence./ We pray to the Lord.