
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Intercessions ~ Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Observing Ash Wednesday this week,/ we ask for ourselves and all the Church,/ a Lenten time of renewal and growth./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis said this week:/ "One group of individuals cannot control half of the world's  resources./ We cannot allow for persons and entire peoples to have a right only to gather the remaining crumbs."/ May we experience a change of attitude,/ from indifference and fear/ to one of justice and fraternity./ We pray to the Lord.

This week/ regulations protecting the nation's rivers and streams from coal dumping and runoff/ were rolled back./ Our lives were formed in water;/ are essentially made of and sustained by water./ It was in baptism waters that we met Jesus for the first time./ We pray to reverence and safeguard/ this most precious gift of God./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who live in ruined parts of the world,/ where there is no delight,/ no safety,/ no sense of hope and future./ And that we would take nothing for granted./ We pray to the Lord.

An historic Jewish cemetery was desecrated in Missouri this week./ Grant this country a new heart,/ freed of anti-semitism,/ racism and every kind of bigotry/ Console those who are grieved by violence and hatred./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those countries caught in power struggles/ where there is no will to peace./ For our families and friends,/ for the protection of children,/ the sick,/ the weak and the vulnerable./ We pray to the Lord.