
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Intercessions ~ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thangkas: Buddhist painting ~ Jesus, who welcomes all

Not since the end of the Second World War/ has the world experienced a refugee crisis of such magnitude as we are witnessing today./ We ask God to give the nation a new Christ-Heart;/ that we would be a refuge for the weary./ We pray to the Lord.

As February begins,/ we pray for those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance,/ asking for good health,/ safety and well-being./ We pray to the Lord.

Winter is a time of particular suffering for many./ We pray for those who are without shelter,/ who are short of money/ or out of work./ And that we would have generous,/ helpful hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for stability in our own country and for every place where there is chaos or confusion,/ great stress or anxiety./ And for our own inner peace and those dear to us./ We pray to the Lord.

Grant that this week we might be a source of surprise for someone who has been dulled by loneliness,/ sadness,/ sickness or anxiety./ We pray to the Lord.

Bring to safety and consolation/ those who have found themselves to be lost or injured,/ who have been turned away,/ rejected or given bad news./ And that God would make us instruments of peace./ We pray to the Lord.

We offer prayers for the sick,/ the frail,/ those struggling with addictions,/ and those victimized by wars./ And for those who make tremendous profits off of war/ and the militarization of the planet./ We pray to the Lord.