
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Intercessions ~ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel today we hear the essential message of Jesus,/ which requires not that we simply conform to outer rules/ but that our inner person be changed./ We pray to remain teachable before Christ/ who leads us along this spiritual way./ We pray to the Lord.

This past week/ angry posters against the pope were secretly put up around the center of Rome./ We pray for Pope Francis to remain serene and effective/ in calling the world to the new heart of friendship and kindness./ We pray to the Lord.

It is Black History Month./ Sadly,/ racism and bigotry are thriving in our country/ as are new waves of anti-semitism./ We ask heaven's forgiveness for our nation's own self-degradation./ May we be brave and honest with ourselves/ and our need for a national soul-change./ We pray to the Lord.

Our own land is wracked with contention these days./ We pray for the safety of all/ and that we might learn the skills for restoring unity and acceptance./ May Christ bless us with something of his own mind./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those whose suffering is beyond our comprehension:/ those who have lost everything,/ those who fear for their children,/ those who are filled with hatred and who plan evil,/ for anyone who feels trapped and powerless./ We pray to the Lord.

The developed world is saturated with drugs./ We ask God to supply what is painfully missing within ourselves./ We entrust our families,/ friends,/ neighbors and colleagues to Christ's care,/ asking for health,/ safety,/ and freedom from addictions./ We pray to the Lord.