
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Lent

The man born blind in today's gospel has no name;/ he is each of us./ We pray to realize how we are somehow blind/ asking for the desire and willingness to see./ We pray to the Lord.

The gospel account opens with the blind man being judged by the religious leaders./ Grant us spiritual maturity,/ freed of that ignorance and prejudice which assesses everyone else./ And for our own salvation./  We pray to the Lord. 

Pope Francis will visit Egypt in April./ We ask for hi
s safety in a world of violence and troubles./  Protect Egypt's Coptic Christians who are often impoverished and persecuted./ We pray to the Lord.

We join people of good will all around the world/ praying for those who died or were injured by a terrorist attack in London this week./ Again we pray for those who plan and do evil./ For the turning of hearts and minds./ We pray to the Lord.

Those who lead and govern need our prayer./ Grant that they would be unifiers,/ honest,/ decent and genuine servants of the people they represent./ We pray to the Lord.

In South Sudan over a million children are facing starvation and death brought on by civil war./ We pray for our world where it is in crisis,/ where resources are hoarded,/ where there is deep poverty and economic inequality./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our families/ and all those we know and love who are sick,/ frail,/ unsettled,/ angry or burdened with worries./ For their strengthening and peace./ We pray to the Lord.