
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Intercessions ~ Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Late June Madonna Lily

As July begins/ we pray blessings for all who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries/ and other days of remembrance. / We pray as well for the safety of vacationers,/ campers and summer travelers,/ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for Pope Francis as he will travel to Colombia in September/ hoping to encourage that country transforming itself after fifty years of violence./ We pray to he Lord.

During July/ the Church contemplates the Precious Blood of Jesus./ We pray for those who need blood/ especially where supplies are inadequate./ For those who bleed in accidents,/ terrorist attacks,/ murders,/ domestic and gang violence./ We pray to the Lord.

Tuesday, July 4th/ is Independence Day./ We pray for the nation and its inner freedom from power-quest,/ bitter partisan divisions,/ waste and greed./ We pray to the Lord.

The United States is in the midst of  a drug overdose epidemic./ We pray for those who produce and sell drugs./ We ask strength for those who work each day to live sober lives/ and blessings for those who help others to sobriety./ We pray to the Lord.

For parents around the world,/ to protect,/ guide,/ support and make secure/ the children in their care./ We pray for children and young people who have been orphaned or abandoned,/ or who need to be rescued in impossible situations./ We pray to the Lord.

Many people are suffering terrible heat these days;/ we pray for them./ We pray as well for those who fight summer fires/ who rescue others/ or who work in hospitals./ We pray to the Lord.