
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Your Blessing Hand, O Christ Our God

Here we have zoomed in on the blessing hand of Jesus in a 19th century Russian icon. Beginning with his little finger and moving around to the thumb, Jesus' fingers spell out IC XC, the Greek initials for his name: Jesus Christ. Below the picture is a nighttime prayer, asking for Christ's blessing hand to extend over the whole world. Of course, we may make adjustments and use the prayer at any time.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over my family,
my friends,
my neighbors,
the little ones born this night
and those who will die.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over the world's children,
over the troubled,
the plotters of evil deeds,
the terrorized,
the war torn and those in flight,

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over the world's leaders,
the homes where there is violence,
the rooms where lies originate,
where blood-money is given and received,
over the prisoners and
those who are hiding.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over the Pope of Rome,
the bishops,
the priests and deacons,
the monks and nuns,
the young families,
the families in trouble and
those who are away from their dear ones.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over all the land,
the air and the water,
the plants and animals,
the polluted places and
the exploited environment.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over the sleepless,
those in hospitals and by sickbeds,
those who work through the night,
those in pain, panic, sorrow,
or who are ground up by addictions,
those who have no place to rest.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over those who are angry, raging, agitated,
carrying old grudges and unhealed inner wounds,
who are spiritually unsettled,
feeling unbalanced,
loaded down with disappointment.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over those who have no joy, no gratitude,
whose patience is gone,
who have lost hope,
who long for some comfort,
who live in inner darkness.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over the peacemakers and the problem solvers,
those who do the works of mercy,
the rescuers, the helpers and the healers.

Your blessing hand, O Christ our God,
over me, who hopes to have served you today,
and who with a repentant heart
now asks for the gift of sleep,
that I might rise up tomorrow in peace,
in gratitude and joy. Amen

Father Stephen P. Morris