
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Intercessions ~ Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception ~ Seoul, South Korea

For Pope Francis as he encourages peace,/ love for God/ and a far reaching love of neighbor./ We ask blessings for local parishes at worship this weekend/ and for the ministries of care and service they undertake./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for stability in a dangerous world,/ asking for leaders who will solve problems diplomatically,/ sensibly/ and without wild and fearsome threats./ We pray to the Lord.

For the soldiers and sailors of every country,/ the ones who return from wars and conflicts/ injured or maimed./ For those who need inner healing./ We pray to the Lord

Bless and sustain those who supply the things we need:/ our energy,/ our food,/ the clothing and many products we will use this week./ May we take nothing for granted./ We pray to the Lord./

We pray for those who work through the night:/ who keep the country safe,/ who make travel possible,/ who operate hospitals,/ who are prepared to rescue others./ For parents who are awake with small children./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for people who are hidden away in mental institutions and prisons for the criminally insane./ For those who have no place to live/ or no one they can count on./ For people around the world who are thrown away./ We pray to the Lord.

And we pray for ourselves and our families/ to be blessed with hearts that are free/ and ready to love those we will meet this week./ We pray to the Lord.