
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Mary's Assumption ~ Sunflowers With A Prayer Attached

A happy memory of this Assumption Feast: In June of 1975, having completed my first year of theology up in Yonkers, New York,  I took a job cutting grass in Calvary Cemetery (section 4B under the Kosciuszko Bridge) in Greenpoint, New York. The last bit of the morning commute took me in my yellow beetle along the infamous Interboro Parkway - a winding, heavily trafficked road.

Aware that it was Mary's feast day, and that I might not be able to get to Mass, I passed a median of wild sunflowers, whipped by the air currents created by speeding rush-hour traffic. I quickly pulled over onto the barely existent shoulder and dashed across the lane of cars, filling my arms with bright yellow flowers. Then taking some extra turns and minutes to Richmond Hill and the Church of the Holy Child Jesus, which I knew from my student teaching days, I left the flowers (in a mysteriously appearing large jar of water) at the foot of Mary's lovely altar there. Kind of crazy, reckless and best of all, utterly romantic!

And here is a liturgical prayer from the Eastern liturgy for the Feast of the Assumption (Dormition).
Neither the tomb, nor death could hold the Theotokos, who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. For being the Mother of Life she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her Virginal Womb.

Assumption Prayer To the Mother of Life

So near your feast day,
there is killing in our country,
a bold river of flame,
the angry young white men,
the fearsome call to unite people
in violence and hate.
Like a 50's wild-west movie,
boys brandishing guns,
even the peace-calling clergy
are insulted and assaulted.
And Heather Heyer is dead.
And Jay Cullen and Berke Bates.
We're not born hating people
we have to be taught. 
On the feast of your resurrection,
in your assumption into the heavenly kingdom, 
intercede for our nation,
O Lady.

And once again CNN drags out
the retired generals who,
like priests,
helping us to meditate
but on the things of war:
the smart board maps and missiles,
the submarines and heavy bombers,
the artillery,
the firepower, 
the warfare planes and
all the talk that causes
the military industrial complex 
to high rejoicing
while the money pours in.
And the macho bluster,
the bellicose threats and
the counter threats.
We don't dare consider
how many children would die
if it all came to pass,
and the animals and plants,
the waterways and mountains,
the temples and churches.
On the feast of  your glorification,
in the fullness of your spiritual and 
bodily existence,
intercede for our nation,
O Lady.

And from your place of 
bright encounter with the face of your Son,
shout out an awakening to those who wink at violence,
whose hearts are dull,
whose minds are dim,
who turn away, 
who won't admit,
who sleep 
as on Gethsemane night.
On the feast of your translation
to the higher things,
the highest things,
intercede for our nation,
O Lady.