
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Give purpose,/ joy and comfort to those who are despairing,/ or who feel no purpose in their lives,/ who may even be thinking of suicide./ We pray to the Lord.

Bless Pope Francis as he seeks to teach the world/ that holiness is the brightness of God's love,/ and that love is never idle/ but must accomplish wonderful things./ We pray to the Lord.

Bring to sobriety and clarity/ any who suffer from mental illness/ or who feel their lives have been claimed by darkness./ We pray to the Lord.

Guard the children being raised in unbelief./ Bless parents and guardians with gifts of patience,/ wisdom,/ light-heartedness and strength./ We pray to the Lord.

Offer heaven's light to politicians,/ where they have forgotten the common good,/ where they have placed party over country,/ where they take bribes,/ blame,/ lie or pander,/ where their votes leave people anxious and pained./ We pray to the Lord.

Again we pray for those suffering from the violence in Las Vegas,/ or in states afflicted by hurricanes and fires./ And may we never forget that in other countries/ this kind of loss and sorrow is felt everyday./ We pray to the Lord.