
Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Monk's Gift

Here is a photograph of the back road leading up to the Monastery of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky, founded by French monks in 1848. One of the monks, who in Trappist fashion chooses to remain anonymous, has created this Litany of the Person, which we might care to use as a point of meditation. The litany's last line: This is who you are, stands in stark contrast with the many other messages we're exposed to, messages which propose to tell us who we are. Here's my silly first-world commercial identity.

You are:
driving the fastest, hottest vehicle
with the whitest teeth
an amazing figure
and great sex appeal
the most shiny hair
and fabulous skin
vitamined into ageless
sleeping soundly on the perfect mattress
and the shape-retaining pillow.
You are:
approved of by everyone
laughing constantly
everyone's idea of fun
media savvy
clothes to die for
and filthy rich.
You are:
on the way to the top
with a six (seven?) figure salary.
This is who you are.

Now to hear from the hidden monk whose insights as to who we are flow from knowing God in intimacy.

A Litany of the Person
image of God
born of God's breath
vessel of divine love
after his likeness
dwelling of God
capacity for the infinite
eternally known
chosen of God
home of infinite Majesty
abiding in the Son
called from eternity
life in the Lord
temple of the Holy Spirit
branch of Christ
receptacle of the Most High
wellspring of Living Water
heir of the kingdom
the glory of God
abode of the Trinity

God sings this litany
eternally in His Word.

This is who you are.