
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Expanding a Prayer

This old photograph is of a Carthusian monk just before his receiving Holy Communion at Mass. Afterwards, while purifying the chalice, paten and the empty ciborium (if there was one) he will pray these words silently:

What has passed our lips as food, O Lord,
may we possess in purity of heart,
that what has been given to us in time
may be our healing for eternity. Amen

Might I suggest we can make this prayer our own, perhaps using the first line as a kind of 'spring board' for reflection. Here's my ideas; you'll have your own. Let it be born out of silence.

What has passed my lips as food, O Lord, 
may it develop in me compassion and unselfishness,
may my religion not be second-hand, but a personal oneness with God,
may I be absorbed in God,
may God see my actions today as worship.

What has passed my lips as food, O Lord,
may my heart be illumined,
may I love God and neighbor,
may I walk as a child of the Light,
may I be satisfied - freed of desires and attachments.

What has passed my lips as food, O Lord,
may I dare to embrace non-violence,
may I hate no one and learn forgiveness,
may I have the mind of Christ,
may I translate this Communion into feeding the hungry; drink to the thirsty.

What has passed my lips as food, O Lord,
may I carry an atmosphere of contentment and happiness,
may I realize the Kingdom of God is within me,
may I discover my own dignity, as God has visited me,
may I understand that God wants me to be fully alive today.
