
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Advent

We pray for our families:/ spouses,/ in-laws,/ children and grandchildren,/ siblings,/ nieces and nephews./ For safety,/ security,/ peace and good health./ And for those who have no family;/ no friend./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the Church at Christmas./ May we be known as the people of reconciliation,/ who strive to be free of resentments,/ whose hearts are dis-armed and peaceable./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray that our Christmas worship would be heartfelt and true./ For those who stay away from Mass at Christmas,/ or who live where there is no Mass./ May disgruntled,/ negative Christians discover the Mary-held beauty of Christ at Bethlehem./ We pray to the Lord.

Mindful of the disastrous train crash this week in Washington State,/ we pray for those who grieve and those who help./ For the safety of holiday travelers/ and for anyone who must work on Christmas day./ We pray to the Lord.

Grant peace to our world,/ and may that peace issue from every Christian home,/ and from Bethlehem/ where tensions are often very high./ We pray to the Lord.

With the Winter Solstice this past week there will now be a gradual increase of light in our hemisphere./ We ask for that inner light which brings/ new honesty/ new insights,/ attitudes and openness./ May Christ-light invade any inner place where darkness might remain in us./ We pray to the Lord.