
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday of Advent

Eagle flight on the Delaware in Winter

Watching for the subtle return of light this month,/ we pray to be watchful for the presence of God in our lives,/ the subtle hints of Divine Presence,/ and to be patient and hopeful when we feel God is absent./ We pray to the Lord.

Give the world leaders who are of evolved conscience and good heart./ Strengthen and restore countries where there is national division,/ bitterness,/ or where the people have lost their way./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray boldly for a new world/ freed of the nuclear weapons capable of destroying the planet-gift God has entrusted to us./ Give us the new priority of lifting up those parts of the world crushed by poverty,/ hunger and disease./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for winter travelers/ and ask blessings for those who help to keep us safe./  For firefighters in California/ and any who are in harms way./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray for those who struggle with life-threatening illness./ For doctors,/ nurses,/ researchers and technicians./ For those who have no access to health care/ or who are burdened with medical expenses./ We pray to the Lord.

Many thousands die or brush death each year because of addictions./ We pray for our nation to return to the freedom of sobriety/ and for all who are trapped in cycles of dependency./ We pray to the Lord.