
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in Advent ~ Gaudete Sunday

Sandy Hook children and staff

This Advent Sunday of  light,/ we pray for our country in its degraded social discourse./ For the enlightenment of  blamers,/ slanderers,/ mockers,/ liars,/ stereotypers and bullies./ We pray to the Lord. 

Monday is International Migrants Day./ We pray for those who move from place to place for seasonal work to produce our food./ For those who are away from home,/ who work long hours for poor pay/ often in poisoned environments./ We ask for just employers./ We pray to the Lord.

Preparing for Christmas,/ we pray for the world's children/ mindful of those who are never held,/ smiled at or consoled./ For the children who know only chaos,/ desperate poverty and crisis./ For the strengthening of those who raise children in a traumatic world./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for open hearts and minds to hear the pope's message of peace at Christmas./ For leaders who have the responsibility of creating a just and harmonious world./ For those who make huge sums of money by weapon-izing the world./ We pray to the Lord.

For those who generously and bravely continue to fight ferocious fires in California./ For those who have lost everything to this disaster./ For the gift of rain that will restore the charred landscape./ We pray to the Lord.

This week/ remembering five years ago the massacre of the twenty first-graders and six staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary school,/ we boldy ask God to teach the nation the difference between the real second ammendment/ and the imagined second amendment./ We pray to the Lord.