
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Friday ~ Feast of the Lord's Presentation in the Temple

We pray for those who lead in government./ May they speak strong words of truth,/ words that put an end to divisions,/suspicions,/ blaming and barriers,/ words that heal and welcome,/ that build up confidence and love among the people./ We pray to the Lord.

Today Pope Francis visits the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Sophia in Rome./ May his presence strengthen and comfort the people of that parish,/ many of whom have relatives in Ukraine,/ sorely tested by war and divisions./ We pray to the Lord.

The Winter Olympic Games begin soon in South Korea./ We pray for them to teach us friendship and cooperation./ May we learn to enjoy each other on this planet./ We ask for the safety of athletes,/ organizers and spectators./ We pray to the Lord.

Today is called Septuagesima Sunday;/ Easter is roughly seventy days away./ May we give some thought to the approaching Lent,/ a plan that will help us to evolve as new Christ-persons./ We pray to the Lord.

Wednesday is the Feast of St. John Bosco,/ a patron for young people./ May the nations learn to safe-guard their children well,/ offering them a peaceful world,/ a healthy world,/ a just and loving world./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our families,/ mindful of any who are living in darkness,/ sadness or chaos./ For people who live with special needs,/ those in hospice/ and for their care-providers./ We pray to the Lord.