
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pope Francis has said, "Many powerful people don't want peace because they profit off of war."/ We pray boldly for war profiteers./ We pray to the Lord. 

Pope Francis travels to Chile and Peru this week./ We pray for his safety/ and for the delicate mission of reconciliation he has deliver./ We pray too for those/ even among the clergy/ who resent and resist him./ We pray to the Lord.

Jesus doesn't redeem humanity only from sin,/ but from systems of unjust political,/ social and economic conditions./ May we learn the heart of God./ We pray to the Lord.

The Church returns to the liturgical time of green from now until Lent./ May we each have an experience of personal growth/ and the green-ing of faith,/ hope and love./ We pray to the Lord.

Wednesday is the Feast of the desert-monk,/ St. Anthony of Egypt./ May we learn well his lessons of humility,/ non-complaint,/ and the authentic discernment of God's will for us./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray boldly for those who are sick with power,/ whose darkened hearts complicate and burden the lives of others:/ con-artists,/ manipulators,/ panderers,/ those with secret agendas/ or who are self-serving./ We pray to the Lord.