
Saturday, February 24, 2018

In the Springtime, renew this chapel with your prayer.

It is Saturday morning. Perhaps the house is quiet or there is no need to rush off to work or some busy-ness. We might be able to sit a few minutes with this photograph which invites us to prayer.

This is the monastery chapel of Agios Georgios in Greece. But the chapel has been abandoned. How sad. But sometimes this happens, even to a monastery that may be hundreds of years old. Perhaps there were no new vocations and the old monks couldn't maintain the project any longer.

It seems as if this monastery was closed up quickly; the icons on the sanctuary screen (iconostasis) have been left behind, though the holy doors and the icon on the far right are missing. It also appears that people still come here to pray: a window is open and an icon of St. George and a stand to hold candles remains.

We can imagine a door has been left open and there's one candle left to accompany our own prayer. Even an old chair is in place where we can rest quietly. But then, we can activate the place with our praise of God, our thanks and our interceding. Who do you pray for?

Is there some one who is sick?
Are there children's names to bring to the prayer?
Does someone need a job or have money difficulties?

Who needs healing, inner balance or peace restored?
Is there a relationship that is in trouble?
Someone with an addiction?
Has someone died recently?

Carry the whole world into this place:
its violence
its death
the victimized
the wars
the greed and selfishness
the injustices
and the nation in its bitter divisions.

What's most on your mind?
Is there something to pray about that comes from a deeply felt place?

And thanks upon thanks upon thanks!

Imagine leaving the candle burning...
venerate the icon with a kiss...
and a deep bow towards the sanctuary as you go out the door.