
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Intercessions ~ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Martin Luther King with Gk Bishop Iakovos & Catholic Nuns

Pope Francis has asked that the first Friday of Lent be a day of prayer and fasting for the African nations of Congo and South Sudan./ We pray for these countries being ruined by violence,/ destruction and death./ We pray to the Lord.

February is Black History Month./ May God bless our dream for a world without scorn and greed,/ where each human person can experience freedom,/ peace,/ joy and love./ We pray to the Lord.

Lent begins this Wednesday:/ the Church's Springtime./ Grant that our hearts would be opened,/ that we would grow into the mind of Christ,/ and know fully the joy of Easter./ We pray to the Lord.

During these cold winter days,/ may we know ourselves deeply,/ and ask for the Lord to call us out of resentment,/ bitterness and small thoughts of others,/ to the warmth of compassion and understanding./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those countries,/ including our own,/ where infant and maternal mortality rates are too high/ For those who struggle with chronic physical/or emotional sickness./ We ask blessings for our own health,/ that we would be able to do well/ what God has put before us to do./ We pray to the Lord.

In our spiritual lives this week/ may we not put our hand to the plough and look back,/ but be freed of laziness,/ procrastination and lack of enthusiasm./ May we experience God in hearts that are clean./ We pray to the Lord.