
Monday, February 19, 2018

Spring is the water-gift

This still-life photograph of a glass of water on a mossy rock suggests that water is a wonder. Coming from above, we might say water is of God. It sparkles. It's transparent. It's adaptable and necessary for all life.

Jesus understood the mystical meaning of water. He stepped down into water to join the ailing and dry world of humanity (Matthew 3:13). He used it to make a copious and amazing gift for the newly weds and their happy guests (John 2:1-11) He sat at the village well with the Samaritan woman to present his life-giving message (John 4:1-42). Like a spring, water streamed from his side at Calvary - opening his heart to us (John 19:34). He told us (and some people might have a hard time accepting this because they want religion to be strenuous) that we find salvation in giving a cup of cold water to the thirsty (Matthew 10:42 & Matthew 25).

Early on in Lent (the Church's Springtime) we might pay close attention to water as life-gift.The first thing the gardener does after transplanting seedling tomatoes out of the plastic six pack is to give them a drink of water - a kind of blessing or good wish. 

Before my Mass each morning I have a little ritual of my own that wakes me up and helps me to feel very alive and gifted by God. I sit on a small bench with a cup of water and slowly take three big sips, big enough that I can feel the water go down. I sit quietly between each sip. I say: Blessed are you, Lord God of all Creation, through your goodness there is water to drink, which the heavens give and the earth receives. May I consciously accept the gift of life this day. 

Blessed means: to extol God, to glorify God - best of all - to celebrate God. God's first gift each day - the encounter with water which keeps us going. We can play with our ideas about water. May we take nothing for granted. 

Sit with the water-gift. Feel it. Perhaps identify the deeper "thirst" I ask God to satisfy. Speak a word or no word at all. No need to sit for a long stretch of time - just a few minutes really. The goodness of God!