
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Intercessions ~ Palm Sunday

As Christians begin Holy Week today,/ may we hear and feel the prayers we pray,/ for those who will preach the message of the cross,/ for the safety of those who pray in Jerusalem this week./ We pray to the Lord.

Spring has officially begun./ May we begin anew:/ growing our spiritual vision,/ detecting God's presence,/ seeing others rightly,/ in love and justice./ May Christ's light dispel stubborn ignorance./ We pray to the Lord.

Young people march across the nation this weekend,/ demanding that their lives and safety be a national priority,/ and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in the nation's schools./ May we listen to them with our hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for law enforcement,/ investigtors and helpers during the three weeks of bomb menace in Austin, Texas./ We pray for those who live where bombs explode everyday,/ and boldly ask for the removal of bombs held in our own hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

As Passover begins this Friday,/ we pray for the Jewish people around the world;/ may they grow in the love of God./ For those who persist in the hatred of Jews/ and who cloak that hatred in religious beliefs./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those in prison,/ the sick,/ the home bound,/ the weak and the children of war./ For those who this week feel they hate God,/ or who hate their lives./ We pray for a peaceful world./ We pray to the Lord.