
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Spring Sparrow

This oil on canvas painting it titled: Sparrow Song. It is the work of the American Impressionist painter, Elizabeth Blaylock. She writes about her painting: "The beauty of the sparrow is often overlooked because they are so plentiful. This is a Chestnut Crested Sparrow. Lots of rich siennas!" 

The artist is paying attention the subtleties of sienna (the color red-brown). There are fifty kinds of sparrows in North America alone. Each species has its own unique features distinguishing one from the others - God's tremendous creative imagination. But isn't this how God sees, knows and accepts each of us - in the subtleties of our personalities, the pages of our personal histories, the depths of our inner self (our souls).

And Jesus said, "Two sparrows are sold for a penny, aren't they? Yet not a single sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's knowledge...Never be afraid, then - you are far more valuable than sparrows." Matthew 10: 29,31

Oh, that we would trust this and be glad!  God's got his eye on the little sparrow - how much more is God aware of us. We might be tempted to just X out now, but let's not do that. Let's consider the rich siennas the artist references in her Crested Sparrow and the wonderful promise of the Gospel verses.