
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Intercessions ~ The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

This Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist,/ we pray for the children of tears:/ the children of border crossings,/ war zones,/ abandonment,/ sex-trafficking,/ poverty,/ domestic violence and neglect./ For those who minimize,/ exploit or ignore the terror of children./ We pray to the Lord.

In our hemisphere it is the the season of summer traveling,/but also the time of tornadoes,/ hurricanes and fire./ For the safety of all./ We pray to the Lord.

Renew those in government around the world/ who are so protective of their power/ that they have forfeited the basic human values which serve the good of the people./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the turning of hearts:/ hard hearts,/ ice-cold hearts,/ unfeeling hearts/ and Spirit-resistant minds./ May we learn the tender-hearted way of Jesus and his saints./ We pray to the Lord.

These June days are the days of longest light and shortest darkness./ May we know some increase of light within ourselves:/ some new self-knowledge,/ the resolution of a problem/ or awareness of God's bright presence and help./ We pray to the Lord. 

Grant strength and consolation to the sick,/ comfort to mourners and those carrying deep inner wounds,/ hope to those despairing of challenges and troubles./ We pray to the Lord

In this liturgical green time,/ which many people are feeling is a time of national crisis,/ may we rediscover and reclaim Jesus,/ who came to  establish,/ promote and extend God's kingdom-message of justice and compassion./ We pray to the Lord.