
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Christ, All-Seeing

This is a wonderful photograph. The immense icon is likely placed in a vast church so worshippers are able to inter-face with Christ even from way back. But this little girl of about five or six, has placed herself directly under the gaze of Jesus. She is fascinated, isn't she?

The eyes of Christ are wide-opened and seeing. His brow is furrowed, knowing and sharing our conditions and situations. Even the metal halo, the light from his face, reaches out towards us, a kind of umbrella. 

An important note: In studying for last Sunday's Gospel (Mark 6:30-34) Jesus had pity on the crowds. He knew their longing and inner hunger. "Pity" doesn't mean he felt sorry for them, but that he felt the gut-pain a parent feels when the child is anguished, in need or trouble.

Lord Jesus, in affection,
you see us in our littleness,
aloneness and 

Lord Jesus, in pity,
you know us in the collapse of our best resolve,
our regrets,
wrong turns,
old hurts and

Lord Jesus, in compassion,
you are awake to our pain,
our sorrowing,
our seeming inability to quit wars,
fighting and

Through your icon eyes,
heal us,
and our nation,
of hatred,
un-forgiveness and 