
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Feast of the Assumption ~ Dormition

Duccio di Buoninsegna ~ Dormition of the Mother of God

Here are three liturgical hymns from the Byzantine Church for the Feast of the Dormition, which the Latin Church calls, Assumption.


The angels, witnessing the Dormition of the Most Pure Theotokos, were struck with wonder as they saw the Virgin going up from earth to heaven.


In giving birth, O Mother of God, you preserved your virginity and in your falling asleep you did not forsake the world. Being the Mother of Life, you have passed over into life, and by your payers you deliver our souls from death.


Neither the grave nor death have detained the Mother of God, who continues to pray for us and who, by her intercession, remains our unfailing hope; for He, Who dwelt in her ever-virgin womb, has transferred her to life as the Mother of Life.

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And, from an 8th century homily of St. John Damascene, in which the tomb of the Mother of  God speaks to the Church through the ages. We might pray for the healing of our Church.

"Now the Angels keep watch over me. Now the divine grace dwells in me. I have become a well of healing for the sick, a defense against demons, a refuge to those who fly to me. Draw near in faith, you people, and you will receive grace in streams.

Happy Feast Day to everyone!