
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Theotokos of the Passion ~ Who Listens and Invites

This is the icon, Mother of God of the Passion, which inspired a Western version we've come to know as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. We are familiar with the details. The Mother of God holds her Son securely as he sees the Archangels over his shoulder, each carrying the instruments of suffering and death: the cross, the nails, the spear, the sponge on the reed.  The Child flies to her speedily, that his left sandal falls off. His hands are placed around her thumb, either holding on tight OR in the moment of his letting go - his surrender.

The Mother of God doesn't look at Jesus nor at the sky, but at us. Her eyes are large and wide awake to our heart-conversation. Her maphorian-covered head appears large as well, containing her heaven-borne thoughts - room enough to hold all our concerns. That maphorian is the color of the ground we stand and walk upon - she is one of us in our suffering, struggle and sorrow. She appears to be standing at heaven's window - not clucking or tysk-ing over us - but with a mother's heart, eager to hear from us. She invites:

Tell me the names of those you commend to my care,
especially the little ones,
the weak ones,
the old folks,
the ones you know who are living with mistakes,
who are addicted,
who are struggling with some terrible problem or burden.

What is causing you to be distracted,

Tell me.

Pray-the-news before my icon,

don't let it exhaust you
or make you cynical or
Pray-the-news you hear
about the Church,
the nation,
the sad situations
so many experience.
Pray-the-news you hear 
that's close to home.

Tell me about your health concerns,
about the troubles you have in relationships,
fears about your personal future,
imaginings for a better time.
Is something grieving you?
Are you mourning over some deep loss?

Is there some inner gift you need -
greater patience,
to be freed of resentments -
even tiresome hatred?

Is there something inside you'd call toxic?
An old wound unhealed?
A bitter regret? Guilt?
Do you long to have peace and security restored?
Do you feel yourself to be inwardly empty?
Do you know yourself well enough to ask rightly?

I want you to be whole and well,
at peace and happy!