
Monday, October 1, 2018

Pope's October Request

Pope Francis has asked the Catholic World to join him in praying at least some of the rosary each day this month of October - the Month of the Holy Rosary. He asks that the prayer's intention should be a response to the "devil's turbulence" we are experiencing in the life of the Church throughout much of the world. I might personally add, the "devil's turbulence" we are experiencing in our Nation as well. A double-header here.

He also asks that we pray the ancient, early 4th century prayer to the Virgin Mary titled: Sub tuum Praesidium. This prayer, written in Greek, was discovered centuries ago as part of the Coptic (Egyptian) Liturgy. It has several translations, all of which are very beautiful and inviting a heart-response. So here, to jumpstart the rosary month, are ten short meditations, each a segue to a Hail Mary. Might we each find time enough to pray at least one decade of the rosary, answering the Pope's request.

Our Father, Who art in heaven...

The rosary is most simply, beads on a string. May we discover again, how linked we are to one another, in a common humanity and as God's dear children.

Hail Mary...

The rosary is sometimes rejected by people who complain it is too repetitious. But there are only so many ways of saying, I love  you, before we start repeating ourselves.

Hail Mary...

How pleasing to have come to a religion that celebrates such a Mother.

Hail Mary...

Saint Augustine wrote: "Before Mary conceived Christ in her womb, she conceived him in her heart."

Hail Mary...

Mother is our first teacher. May she teach the Church anew the value of each person's dignity. Self preservation and power be done: rather, the dignity of each human person.

Hail Mary...

Before the announcing angel Mary declares herself to be simply, "God's servant."  In a world of power-search, this will make her unpopular. But there it is - the only power is the power of God's love in action.

Hail Mary...

A rosary mystery is an announcement. May the leaders of Church and Nation announce the things of healing and goodness. May we be done with pitiful rhetoric, obfuscation and divisive hate.

Hail Mary..

Paul Claudel wrote: "Intelligence is nothing without delight." May our Church be healed, taking delight in Mary and her Child.

Hail Mary...

The Hebrew name Mary means: Wished for Child. We pray for every child to be welcomed and loved.

Hail Mary...

The Hebrew name Mary also means rebellion. May we rebel against anything that would steal away the happiness of others. How the world would change were we to embrace this thought.

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father...

Su tuum Praesidium

Beneath your compassion we take refuge,
 O Mother of God;
do not despise our petitions
in times of trouble:
but rescue us from dangers,
only pure, only blessed one.