
Monday, October 8, 2018

Pope's October Rosary Request ~ The Presentation

Here are some meditations for the Mystery of Jesus' Presentation in the Temple. Pope Francis has asked the Catholic world to pray a rosary of resistance to the devil's turbulence the Church (and Nation) are suffering these days.

Our Father...

In this Gospel scene we're told repeatedly that Mary and Joseph were fulfilling the requirements of the law. Catholics often poke fun at Jews for being burdened with 630 rules. But the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law has 1752 laws. And for all of that I can go through life and not have the clean heart Jesus looks for - the heart that really loves God and neighbor.

Hail Mary...

"This Child will be a light to the nations." In an instant we're told that Jesus and his gifts are for everyone; not just Jews. Religious people often have a hard time with that word: everyone. Often people have to jump through hoops before being welcomed into the experience of everyone.

Hail Mary...

The word, "peace" appears in Luke's Gospel 14 times. Peace is our goal and the result of our living in Christ. And while peace is not just the absence of wars, who could imagine these endless wars, preparations for war and weekly threats of another war wouldn't be right up front in Jesus' mind. Knowing Jesus is supposed to evolve us - get us out of the cave.

Hail Mary...

In this scene, Joseph and Mary are assuming the full responsibility for the Child Jesus. They are a model for us to follow - no child on the planet is to be un-accounted for, un-named, un-welcomed, un-loved. No excuses!

Hail Mary...

On Presentation Day, Mary and Joseph can't afford to make the suggested gift of a lamb to the temple, so they carry the second- rate gift of two pigeons. In other words, "They're broke." Native Americans said of the European folks who invaded this place and stole everything from them: "The love of possessions is a disease with them." We don't have to be broke like Joseph and Mary, but Jesus says, own nothing. The storage bins in this country could stretch from sea to shining sea.

Hail Mary...

Look at how Rembrandt features the great tension of light and dark in his painting. Simeon calls Jesus, light! And the Church is supposed to promote and extend this Christ-light. Apologies for clergy criminal failures won't do. Something has to change. When asked about religion, the young people are answering: NONE and DONE.

Hail Mary...

Rembrandt wants to be sure we recognize not just Simeon, but Anna too. She's been a widow for a long time. We're getting ready: the word 'widow' will appear 9 times in Luke's Gospel. Luke's Jesus steps up to the most vulnerable people. If Jesus were to zoom around our nation today, he'd encounter and deem unacceptable an awful lot of un-addressed vulnerability.

Hail Mary...

This is the scene where Simeon declares mysteriously the sword of sorrow will pierce Mary's soul. Swords divide. And people will be (and still are) divided over Jesus. Mary will feel that pain of rejection. Christianity accepts that - not everyone will agree. We might lose a friend, or two, or three. So be it.

Hail Mary...

This Gospel scene is all about finding God in the rituals. We've lost a lot of that. Some folks can't even manage Grace Before Meals, let alone Sunday worship anymore. Does my lived "everyday" reveal a deep sense of the holy? Or am I on auto-pilot?

Hail Mary...

"Shut up in there, grandma is trying to say her prayers," one rosary-telling senior shouted to her playful grandchildren in an adjacent room. But these are called Joyful Mysteries. They're supposed to help the world be kinder and happier. No?

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father...