
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery ~ The Crucifixion

There are four sets of rosary mysteries. This Fifth Sorrowful Mystery - The Crucifixion - completes the third set. Responding to the invitation of Pope Francis to pray the rosary through the month of October, next week, we will end both month and meditation with the Glorious Mysteries. 

The photograph above is of the mosaic in the curved apse in the 12th century Roman Church of San Clemente. It depicts the Cross as the Tree of Life.

Our Father...

This mosaic image depicts the crucifix not as an instrument of death and defeat but as a tree of life. "The Wisdom of God is a true tree of life to all that lay hold of her." Proverbs 3:18. Get the image: At Calvary, the tree of God's wisdom was planted in the earth. And what is this wisdom? We must not get lost in any vague or false mystical talk - it is God's idea or vision for us of how to love God and other people.

Hail Mary...

Under the arms of the cross we see Jesus' Mother and the disciple John. Jesus is at work until his last breath, entrusting his mother and the disciple to each other's care. Mary is the first disciple. Jesus is telling us we are to take each other in. Disciples belong to each other as family. The people knocking on the door of the nation's southern border are disciples of Jesus as much as all the folks who sit next to us at Sunday Mass. While some would want it to be otherwise - it's not about politics.

Hail Mary...

Look! Instead of the usual INRI sign on the top of the cross, there are a dozen doves roosting on both horizontal and vertical bars. And there are numerous birds throughout the larger scene. Maybe they are looking for a place to call home. Following Jesus, who is a tree of life, there is invitation and room for everyone. Oh Jesus, that we would allow your tree of life to be home - truly!

Hail Mary...

Christianity didn't invent the mark of the cross. Some ancient alphabets have a cross or X as a letter. A person who can't sign his or her name leaves a simple X. A bird in full flight, with wings extended, is a cross in the sky. But the Christian has new insights: the Cross is the love of God planted here; its points extending north, south, east and west. The love of God, encompassing every living thing.

Hail Mary...

Notice under the tree-cross there is the lamb with a nimbus, who is Christ Risen. On either side there are sheep - six and six. We don't always need to say, "Oh, that must be the twelve apostles." The sheep reference may well be that Gospel flock of one hundred that the Lord is so protective of. He doesn't want ninety-nine, but his full one hundred. (Matthew 18:12-14).

Hail Mary...

Though this church apse is full of life: streams of water, stretching branches, twining vines, flying birds and drinking deer, it is also a place of tears. "At the cross her station keeping; stood the mournful mother weep..." The bishop-martyr, Oscar Romero said: "There are many things that can only be seen trough  eyes that have cried." 

Hail Mary...

Now it is reported that in those countries where abortion is legal, 98% of pregnancies with potential disabilities are terminated. "Potential disabilities!" Under the Tree of Life mosaic, can I weep for that?

Hail Mary...

A group of mothers, all of whom had teen-aged children whose lives were shredded by addictions, said that they would give their own lives to save the lives of their children. St. Juliana calls Jesus, "Our Mother."  

Hail Mary...

Everything Jesus said and did, but especially his self-gift at Calvary, gave expression to the words of St. Paul: "Make love your aim." 1 Corinthians 14:1

Hail Mary...

The great Tree of Life mosaic in the San Clemente Church is an experience of light and more light. Many nations of the world have veered off into shadow. May the followers of Jesus help to lead humankind back to a path of light.

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father...