
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Intercessions ~ Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wheat Field with a Lark ~ Vincent Van Gogh ~ 1887

This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day./ May we discover gratitude as  the door to the spiritual life./ We ask the blessings of safe-travel,/ sobriety and peace/ in the gathering of families./ We pray to the Lord.

Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address 155 years ago this Monday./ It has been said that today we are fighting a cold civil war in our nation./ May we grow into Lincoln's new birth of freedom,/ but freedom from hatred,/ arrogance,/ militarism/ and  idolatry./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for 18-year-old Claudia Garcia Sordo/ who is walking from San Miguel, El Salvador to the United States./ After refusing to sell drugs for a gang/ they killed her step-father,/ 2-year-old brother and 16-year-old sister./ May she find among us/ a people of great heart./ We pray to the Lord.

The Greek word hypocrite means actor./ May our church leadership be expunged of all hypocrisy,/ fashioning itself as pro-life,/ while putting self-preservation and prestige ahead of the protection of young people./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray again for the members of our families,/ our friends and colleagues./ For the healing of those who are sick,/ where relationships are fractured,/ where people have gone off into shadow./ We pray to the Lord.

Again we pray for those who are suffering great losses in California's fires./ For fire fighters and helpers./ And may we quickly learn why,/ in what should be California's rainy season,/ the state is repeatedly in flames./ We pray to the Lord.

November is the month of remembering the dead./ We pray for those who have died this past year./ For those who die suddenly,/ in wars,/ disasters or famines./ For those who die without family,/ friend or mourner./ We pray to the Lord.