
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Let Us Bring Light

The Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown each Friday evening. Last week a small synagogue (about an hour away from here) dedicated  their Friday prayer to the Tree of Life Community in Pittsburgh where recently eleven congregants were murdered, and many others injured, during Saturday morning prayers. They called the prayer "A Service of Healing and Solidarity."

The Friday evening worship began with the traditional lighting of Sabbath Candles and a prayer that we might be inwardly illumined. So many troubling voices of division, hatred, suspicion and bitterness these days - the prayer here, prayed heartily by two hundred people, suggests not everyone is on board with all of that. 

Let us Bring Light

When evil darkens our world, let us be the bearers of light.
When fists are clenched in self-righteous rage, let our hands be open for the sake of peace.
When injustice slams doors on the ill, the poor, the old and the stranger, let us pry the doors open.
Where shelter is lacking, let us be builders.
Where food and clothing are needed, let us be providers.
Where knowledge is denied, let us be champions of learning.
When dissent is stifled, let our voices speak truth to power.
When the earth and its creatures are threatened, let us be their guardians.
When bias, greed and bigotry erode our country's values, let us  proclaim liberty throughout the land.
In the places where no one acts like a human being,
let us bring courage;
let us bring compassion;
let us bring humanity.