
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday of Advent ~ Gaudete

Gaudete Sunday ~ Pink, Winter Sunrise

Our planet is experiencing a climate and ecological crisis,/ which is global,/ serious and urgent./ We pray for those who choose to ignore it,/ deny it,/ or who by greed/ advance it./ May we treasure the gift/ which is this earth./ We pray to the Lord.

The Virgin Mary Guadalupe appeared as brown skinned,/ a mix of European and indigenous people/ in a time of confusion,/ discord,/ cruelty,/ suffering,/ corruption,/ slavery,/ greed and ambition./ She points to a renewed humanity,/ a renewed Church./ May we learn from her appearance./ We pray to the Lord.

For the President of the United States/ and all who hold public office around the world./ May they nurture peace and justice for their people,/ and model all that is best in human persons./ We pray to the Lord.

It is Gaudete (be joyful) Sunday./ May we not surrender ourselves to cynicism and despair,/ but remain confident of God's presence/ trusting that we can survive difficult times together./ We pray to the Lord.

The Winter Solstice is marked this week,/ the longest night and the shortest day./ We pray for people who hope for the increase of light in their lives:/ the ones who are unnoticed,/ ignored,/ or who experience only loss and deprivation./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the healing of families where there is fighting,/ financial insecurity,/ addiction,/ chronic and life-threatening sickness./ We ask blessings for medical personnel,/ mindful of the those who help us to stay well./ We pray to the Lord.