
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Guadalupe Feast Approaches

I'm pushing seventy years of age and have never felt national tension and ugliness as we are experiencing today—even through Vietnam and the impeachment proceedings of two presidents. I listen to some Christians and wonder, "Do I  even know you?"

St. Paul writes: "But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:16). Do we get this—the mind of Christ? Do we wonder what it means?

The Virgin Mary appeared four times to Juan Diego, a conquered Aztec Christian, between December 9 and 12 in 1531. Her image, imprinted on his grass cloak, hangs in the great church in Mexico City (which is North America). Pope John Paul II made Guadalupe his first pilgrimage outside of Rome in 1979. The place and the apparition are that important. 

Here is her litany. We might put aside our other devotionals and pray this prayer often between now and Christmas. Why? Because we want to have the mind of the one whose birth we celebrate then. The Litany is not sentimental; it can cut like a two-edged sword, (Hebrews 4:12), if we allow it. Still, even after praying it for some days, we might find the mind of our favorite radio talk-show-guy more alluring. We can be that dug in. Sometimes I'm asked, "What's your politics?"  Here it is...

Mother of the unborn, pray for us.
Mother of orphans,
Mother of the rejected,
Mother of the unrecognized,
Mother of the powerless,
Mother of the oppressed,
Mother of migrants,
Mother of the marginalized,
Mother of the destitute,
Mother of foreigners,
Mother of immigrants,
Mother of the homeless,

Mother of those considered gift-less,
Mother of those who see no value in their lives,
Mother of those who have no political influence,
Mother of those who have no reason to hope,
Mother of consolation,
Mother of those who say "yes" to Jesus.
Mother of Providence,

From becoming oppressive, deliver us.
From becoming cynical,
From denying options to the poor,
From becoming opportunists,
From becoming deaf to the voices of prophets,
From becoming blind to injustice,
From becoming complacent,
From becoming ungrateful servants,
From becoming arrogant,
From becoming elitists,

Model of love and compassion, may we imitate you.
Model of hope and new life,
Model of evangelization,
Model of simplicity,
Model of justice for the poor,
Enabler of the downtrodden,
Example of receptivity,
Example of humility,
Example of sensitivity,
Bridge builder of cultures,
Respecter of diversity,

Virgen Morena, Dark Virgin, Mother of God, Lady of Guadalupe, we commit ourselves to follow your example, to be life-givers and to be receptive to new life. We will be faithful followers in our love towards the poor, in your desire to give dignity to all people and to  treat all the abandoned with tenderness. Let us live with constant confidence that we need not fear when we acknowledge you as our Mother, Mother of God. Grant that we may participate in your plan for new life and give us faith in the daily miracles that you and your Son, Jesus, work in our lives. Amen.

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is next Thursday,
 December 12.