
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are in that time of year we call, The Dead of Winter./ We pray for those who lack proper shelter,/ food or money./ We ask blessings for the people who operate shelters/ or who help strugglers in any way./ For the safety of travelers./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for Pope Francis/ as he prepares for the February meeting of bishops/ to address the societal sickness of sex abuse,/ especially as it reveals in the life of the church./ We pray for the healing of all who have been sexually exploited or abused./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the President of the United States,/ our Congress/ and those in leadership everywhere./ May they be good people,/ who work to be worthy of the trust placed in them./ We pray to the Lord.

We call to mind the people for whom we have promised to pray/ and those who might hope for our prayer:/ the sick,/ prisoners,/ those who are feeling vulnerable,/ lonely or burdened with troubles./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the people we need to forgive,/ perhaps even from long ago./ We pray as well for any person we have ever offended,/ neglected,/ hurt or made afraid./ We pray to the Lord. 

Every few minutes/ a Christian is killed for simply being a follower of Jesus./ We pray for the safety,/ peace and well-being of Christians living in dangerous places,/ and for the conversion of hateful,/ menacing,/ murderous hearts./ We pray to the Lord.