
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Forest ~ 1870

Here's another forest scene, painted just a year after Wednesday's, "Entrance to the Forest..." Does the angle of the sunlight suggest it is early morning? A father has taken his little girl off for some play time. Perhaps he is telling her, "Now don't run away where I won't be able to see you." She appears to be standing quite still - listening. This is called docility - to be teachable. 

There are an awful lot of know-it-alls out there - lots of self-proposed experts. Social media today means you can say whatever you want about anyone and anything, and it's to be accepted as the truth. Or some people read or listen only to what will reinforce their already formulated opinions. Religious people are not exempt; Catholic blogs can be angry places. Docility lacking.

I know a young couple who at seven years of marriage were having a hard time of it. At some point they were able to put things back together. When I asked  how they managed to do that, the husband said, "We agreed to stop trying to change the other." A lot of docility in that recipe.

Maybe Pissarro's painting of bright, morning trees and little people, suggests that docility (teachable-ness) advances light. Do I ever read anything or listen to anyone that might take my thinking off into a brand new direction? It's exciting to do this, and can give one a fresh sense of being quite alive!