
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Greeting ~ The Roses of Nice ~ 1902

Unlike other Impressionist painters, Camille Pissarro did not paint many vases of flowers. The few he did paint, however, are very beautiful.  Bouquets are the ultimate indoor painting, and we know well how much Pissarro preferred working outdoors. 

But it is 1902, the year before Camille's death. He is largely confined to being indoors on doctor's orders, as light, dust and city pollution aggravated his persistent eye disease. There's some suggestion that an artist friend brought these flowers when paying a visit - a sensitive gift for someone who enjoyed being in a garden. 

These are roses from Nice (rhymes with geese and fleece). We might be glad that Julie placed the roses in a clear glass vase rather than a decorated vase, which might have detracted from the beauty and fragrance of the flowers themselves.  The vase has been placed on a wooden table; there are unfinished canvases on the wall behind. 

So I send these same flowers through cyber-space to you this Easter Sunday. I send them with a blessing and prayer, that your home would be joyful in Jesus-Risen, that you and those you love would be well and built up in all goodness - in Christ's justice, mercy and peace. 

I thank you for coming along with me these Forty Days. "Remember, you're only a pointer," my sister said to me six years ago when this blog began. I've tried to follow that sound advice and am glad for your own good prayer and participation. 

Christ is Risen! Blessed Easter to you!