
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Intercessions ~ Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today we return to the liturgical green time and the long weeks of summer./ With Pope Francis,/ may we love our green and blue planet,/ protect and secure it for those who will live here after us./ We pray to the Lord.

Many hundreds of migrant children,/ have been separated from their families in our country./ There are troubling reports of their detainment in hidden squalor,/ sickness and neglect./ We pray to be a truly pro-life people/ whose righteous anger forbids this./ We pray to the Lord.

Wednesday is the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle,/ who is called the Apostle to India./ May we look beyond ourselves to the poor,/ the sick,/ the friendless and the needy./ We pray to the Lord.

Thursday is Independence Day/ celebrating our freedoms./ May we strive to be inwardly free of hatred,/ plundering-selfishness,/ threats of others/ and love of violence./ We pray to the Lord.

The summertime frog sits in the sun/ and in the rain./ May we complain less/ and find our way to happiness in acceptance and surrender./ We pray to the Lord.

Isalm and Christianity have in common a great love for the Virgin Mary./ From that unity of heart,/ we pray for a peaceful solution to the great tensions of the Middle East,/ especially between the United States and Iran./ We pray to the Lord.