
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cries of the Heart Before the Icon of Christ the Teacher

Jesus, we have been friends for a very long time,
but is there real love in my heart?

A splendid silver riza covers your icon, O Christ our God.
Pray that I would be more than your admire-r.

Your Gospel Book is opened to me, O Jesus.
I ask for my heart to do the reading.

O faultless one,
keep me safe from my own worst inclinations.

O strong arm of Christ,
reel me in close to you.

Before your gentle face, O Christ-God,
I pray for those with
tear-streaming eyes.

You look to the margins, 
O Jesus, my Saviour.
I pray for those who wish they'd never been born.

By your soft smile, 
O Gentle Christ,
tend to the egoists,
the tormentors,
the soul-less.

Beauteous Christ,
preserve wonder,
imagination and awe
within me.

Your mind, O Jesus;
divinize my own.

Kind Jesus,
erase the memories,
may I begin again.

By your blessing hand, O Christ,
lead me into the new land
of your teaching.

Share your energy with me, O Saviour,
quickening mercy,
compassion and love.