
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Prayer Before the Virgin of the Sweet Kiss ~ Glykophilousa

The Glykophilousa is a type of icon of the Mother of God where Mary and the Infant Christ exchange kisses and caresses. It is an icon of intense human emotion, inviting a deep prayer born of a silent gaze.

Your kiss, O Lady,
reassuring, "You are mine."
Your kiss, O Lady, 
encouraging me this day.
Your kiss, O Lady,
committing, "I'll be here when you return."

Your kiss, O Lady,
cheering me with every good wish.
Your kiss, O Lady,
healing the wounds.
Your kiss, O Lady,
heartening, "Nothing will harm you." 

Your kiss, O Lady,
awareness of my plight.
Your kiss, O Lady,
pledging, "All is forgiven."
Your kiss, O Lady,
my name, written in your heart.

Your kiss, O Lady,
awakening love.
Your kiss, O Lady,
in the gentle but pained drama of your love.
Your kiss, O Lady,
guarantee that I am known.

Your kiss, O Lady,
antidote to our cruelty.
Your kiss, O Lady, 
in our dire predictions,
Your kiss, O Lady,
joy restorer.

Father Stephen P. Morris