
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intercessions ~ Feast of Christ the King

"a universal kingdom of justice, love and peace." Preface ~ Christ the King

On the Feast of Christ the King,/ we ask for Christ to enter the universe of every human heart and mind./ For the disciples of Jesus to establish and promote Christ's reign of compassion,/ justice,/ mercy and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

As the liturgical year comes to a close,/ may we have grateful hearts,/ eager to recognize God's presence and movement in our lives./ We pray to the Lord.

We insult the God of life,/ when every day in our nation,/ 310 people are shot/ and 109 die by fire arms./ We ask for the conversion of hearts:/ for the courage,/ wisdom and will needed/ to stop this suffering and bloodletting./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for Pope Francis,/ and for all who work for the purification of Christ's Church./ We pray for each other today/ as we stand around the altar,/ asking for our prayer to be strengthened/ and for our growth in faith and goodness./ We pray to the Lord.

This Wednesday in Canada/ is National Child Day./ May the world be inspired to consider every day a Child Day./ May the children be welcomed,/ sustained and kept safe./ May the world's first priority always be/ to love the children./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our nation and those who govern./ For the healing of the nation's bitterness,/ for the strengthening and blessing of those who remain decent,/ authentic and good./ For the welfare of our families./ We pray to the Lord.