
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Intercessions ~ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tuesday is World Day of the Sick./ And so we pray for the sick,/ mindful of the suffering caused by the spreading coronavirus./ For the sick who are left untended./ May those who care for others in their illness/ be strengthened and protected./ We pray to the Lord.

Wednesday is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes,/ the Virgin Mary having appeared to Bernadette in 1858./ The grotto there resembles a great ear./ May we grow in our desire to hear God's word deeply/ and the suffering of persons around the world./ We pray to the Lord.

For Pope Francis,/ the world's bishops,/ and all who minister in the Church./ We ask for Christians to regard and love each other,/ as Baptized members of Christ's family./ We pray to the Lord

We ask for world leaders who are un-corrupted,/ who speak the truth,/ whose concerns and energies are not for self-gain,/ but for the good of all people./ In an election year/ we pray for those who seek public office./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those countries where there is drought,/ fire,/ flood, famine,/ war or fear,/ where human persons are degraded./ We ask for healing/ where there is a resurgence of racism and anti-semitism./ We pray to the Lord.

In the time of liturgical green,/ may our minds grow into the mind of Christ./ May we put away old thinking which serves only to comfort and protect ourselves,/ keeping us from the breadth of Christ's love./ We pray to the Lord.