
Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Rosary Decade During a Time of Global Sickness

This is a touching painting titled, Old Lady with Rosary by the Scottish painter George Fiddes Watt (1873-1960). The painting is found in the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museum in Scotland. This elderly woman isn't having an easy time of it, is she? The room is so poor it's hard to describe. The curtains and her clothes are threadbare. The table is worn. Is that a dirt floor?

Everything seems dark, except her rosary, which is at the very center of the painting and seems to even glow, like jewels. She's sitting at her prayer, somewhat stooped. We can imagine she has a lot on her mind. Perhaps she is a widow, lonely and worried about money. How much longer will she be able to pay the rent on her shabby space. Has she outlived any children? If not, are they still around or have they thrown her away. What is happening in her world that might be causing her anxiety? Or, maybe her prayer isn't about worry or sorrow at all, but simply gratitude for the sunlight and the little soup bowl we see steaming on her table.

We might want to join her in prayer. I've put up a rosary decade's worth of short one-line prayers here. You can click on the painting to hear them and the accompanying "Hail Mary's" or just read them at your leisure. 

I hope this rosary decade helps us to stay in touch during these days of distance and isolation.

Our Father...

I pray for anyone who has tested positive for the Coronavirus. I pray in solidarity with those who are critically ill.

Hail Mary...

I pray for the first-responders, the doctors and nurses, the aids and housekeeping staffs, who are closest to the sick. For those who in labs are working for a vaccine.

Hail Mary...

I pray for people all around the world who are filled with anxiety, distraction, fatigue or depression—who are suffering from the uncertainty of our times.

Hail Mary...

I pray for the world's leaders—asking for them to be truthful, uniters, to lead without hidden agenda or to use this crisis for their own ends.

Hail Mary...

I pray for the employers who are struggling to keep their businesses going. For those who have been furloughed or lost their jobs, who are burdened with financial worries.

Hail Mary...

I pray for those who are using this pandemic to scapegoat others, to blame or divide people. For those who should be helping, but instead are provoking racism and hatred.

Hail Mary...

I pray for the countries which have suffered the greatest number of Coronavirus deaths. For those who are quarantined at home or who are away from loved ones. 

Hail Mary...

I pray for the more than eight million children worldwide who are not in school these days.We pray not to lose hope or faith in the love of God—God who has shown us a great suffering-love in Jesus crucified.

Hail Mary...

Standing at the cross with Mary, we ask to keep our eyes set on Easter and God's promise that we are not to be overcome with sorrows and troubles. 

Hail Mary...

May affection increase among us. May we discover new ways of expressing affection and unity. May our hearts remain grateful.

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father...

Thank you for joining the prayer. God bless you and your family and friends—keep you safe; keep you well.