
Monday, March 16, 2020

Prayer During the Time of Coronavirus

Here is a photograph of the crucifix for the new Cathedral of St. Olav in Norway. It is modeled after a Medieval Crucifix. We might be mindful that the Middle Ages were a time of plague and death. 

Maybe you were taught the Anima Christi prayer when you were a child. I pray it at the end of every Mass. Perhaps you need a prayer right now. Maybe you are feeling isolated or lonely. Maybe you're not feeling well or are afraid for your health or the well being of dear ones. 

Maybe you want to pray for the boots-on-the-ground people who are helping to lead us through this unsettling time. Maybe you want to pray for the elderly and anyone whose health is already weakened or compromised. Maybe you're sad about not being able to be at Mass these days. This is a soul-healing prayer. Pray it with me often, slowly and from your inner felt-place.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me,
Body of Christ, save me,
Blood of Christ, inebriate me,
Water from the side of Christ, wash me,
Passion of Christ, strengthen me,
Oh good Jesus, hear me,
Within thy wounds, hide me,
Suffer me not to be separated from thee,
From the malignant enemy, defend me
At the hour of my death, call me,
And close to you, bid me
That with thy saints, I may be
  praising thee,
  forever and ever.