
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Syriac Wonder-Working Icon of the Mother of God

Sitting in a diner at breakfast time this morning, I was just given my laminated menu when an elderly woman in the next booth, having breakfast with a friend, whistled through her fingers, summoning the young waitress. You know the sound—the kind of shrill, single-note whistle we'd associate with a man demanding his off-in-the-weeds dog return. Then I heard her laugh to her friend, "Oh, that was rude."

A great vulgarity has been unleashed. I fear we are no longer evolving, but devolving. And I thought, "How will we ever invite a woman to lead us as president when we can't manage giving a hardworking, young waitress her dignity?

What to do? I considered calling out this woman on her ugly behaviour, as I made my way to the door—but these are dangerous times, people weaponized and unpredictable. So when I returned home, I remembered that I had this photograph of the Wonder-Working, Syrian Mother of God icon. I've left the photograph large, so you can see her soft smile. She'll help me to recover from this exposure to low-end behaviour. And now to ask her for what we need as a nation:

O Wonder-Working Lady,
Mother of God
Mother of wounded Syria,
  and our Mother too—
We need more 
songbird admirers and
forest bathers.

We need more
stream listeners,
rose inhalers,
honey bee wonder-rs,
nature mystery sleuths and
cloud contemplators.

We need more
moon phase ponderers,
seed planters,
animal rescuers,
beauty imagine-rs,
Latin chanters and
icon gazers.

We need more 
soil diggers,
green sprout detectors,
roadside recyclers,
beauty creators and
silence imaginers.

O Lady,
heal us by your
knowing gaze,
your gentle-ing smile,
your wisdom-filled mind 
  radiating new thoughts.
Save us by
  the gift of your effulgent son,
  the all courteous,
  all compassionate,
  all gracious one.
