
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Duccio's Christ Before Pilate Again ~ And Jesus Is Mad?

This is one of seven Passion Narrative images taken from the reverse of Duccio's Maesta Altarpiece in which Jesus is standing bound before a power-leader of religion or state. In three of those seven paintings, Jesus is standing before Pontius Pilate. Indeed, this painting's title reflects that repeat appearance: Christ Before Pilate Again. (Luke 23:11-16)

Here, Pilate is seated on his high  platform. His golden-leafed crown lets everyone know he's Caesar's man—that he has lots of power and authority. Rome is backing him up, literally. In all of these paintings from the Agony in the Garden through The Road to Calvary, there are these helmeted soldiers with their spears pointed up in the air like missiles ready to be sent off on a test launch or to crush an enemy. We must pity these soldiers as they are all young. The one right behind the hand-bound Jesus even carries a large shield. What's that about? Some men like power displays: big desks, uniforms with lapets and rows of medals, insignia bearing hats, titles, wild signatures, salutes. Pope Francis has minimized all of that for himself.

But what stands out here is that Jesus' clothes have changed. In all the other paintings where Jesus stands before an accuser, Jesus is wearing a red tunic and dark blue mantle. The opposite of Pilate's outfit. Here, however, Jesus (barefoot) is wearing only a white tunic. He has been dressed in the clothing of a mad man. "The men in the white coats are coming to take me away," to the white hospital where people wear white hospital gowns.  This might well be the topic of whispered conversation taking place outside, beyond the governors' columned office—"Jesus is crazy!"

Jesus is mad!? I don't think so.
The inconvenient child never sees the light of day...
  And Jesus is mad?
We cause animal and plant species to go extinct...
  And Jesus is mad?
The plastic dumped into the oceans will soon outweigh the fish...
  And Jesus is mad?
Like foolish boys, we point bomb laden missiles into the air while children don't have food...
  And Jesus is mad? 
We discover that Coronavirus is more deadly in poor neighborhoods and cities...
  And Jesus is mad?
We think we're great because the stock market numbers go up, up, up...
  And Jesus is mad?
We obsess about our weight, perfect bowel function, the best night's sleep and no wrinkles around our eyes...
  And Jesus is mad?
We have the most of anyone, but we're not the happiest...
  And Jesus is mad?

Oh Jesus, you're not mad; we are. Forgive. Heal. Restore. Renew.