
Friday, April 17, 2020

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday of Easter

We join Pope Francis in his Easter prayer:/ "May Christ our peace enlighten all who have responsibility in conflicts, that they may have the courage to support the appeal for an immediate global cease-fire in all corners of the world."/ We pray to the Lord.

There is a crisis of leadership in many parts of the world./ By the light of Christ's Rising,/ we ask for leaders who are free of insincerity,/ greed,/ narcissism,/ and incompetence in the face of great human suffering and planet destruction./ We pray to the Lord.

Today is Orthodox Easter./ May the churches of east and west/ echo the Emmaus-bound apostles,/ who realizing they had been in  the presence of the Risen Christ, said:/  "Were not our hearts burning within us."/ We pray to the Lord.

It is a difficult and tense time;/ people burdened and tested in new ways./ May we put forth the best that is within us,/ helping others in their need./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for all who are helping to save and heal the sick during this pandemic:/ doctors and nurses,/ lab workers,/ pharmacists,/ first responders,/ food producers/ and those whose work is done quietly and hidden in hospitals./ For those who are anxious for the wellbeing of loved ones./ We pray to the Lord.

On Mercy Sunday,/ in the Eastertime,/ we pray for the nearly 150,000 people who have died by coronavirus./ May they see the Lord face to face/ and be taken up into the wholeness of Christ's Rising./ We pray to the Lord.