
Friday, April 24, 2020

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday of Easter

During this time of great sickness,/ we ask blessings for those who evidence the best in persons,/ and conversion for those who evidence antagonism,/ willful ignorance,/ carelessness,/ exploitation,/ profiteering and greed./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who are out of work,/ whose businesses are failing,/ who wait hours outside food pantries./ For those whose days are filled with,/ loneliness,/ anxiety and dread./ We pray to the Lord.

For those populations which are often forgotten and under-served in times of crisis:/ the disabled,/ prisoners,/ those in assisted living,/ nursing and group homes./ We ask for a society where no one is left behind./ We pray to the Lord.

These days of quarantine,/ social distancing,/ shutdown and lockdown,/ may we discover in some new way,/ the archetypal monk who is within each of us,/ embracing study,/ prayer/ heart-hospitality and personal ritual./ We pray to the Lord.

While we struggle mightily with this health crisis,/ in humility and solidarity,/ may we remember that much of the world lives in crisis as a permanent condition,/ where there is war,/ famine,/ drought,/ poverty and societal collapse./ We pray to the Lord.

Celebrating Earth Day this past week,/ we recall God's creation of the soil and the water,/ the plants,/ seeds,/ trees,/ birds/ and all the animals./ May we treasure and protect this living gift God has entrusted to our care./ We pray to the Lord.