
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Intercessions ~ Sixth Sunday in Easter

This week,/ Pope Francis has called for a Day of Prayer for All of Humanity./ We join him,/ interceding for humankind where there is great sickness,/ famine,/ draught,/ war or injustice./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for world leaders who help people to make sense of what's happening;/ leaders who understand the feelings of people,/ who create trust,/ protect the weak, and model inclusiveness./ We pray to the Lord.

These days,/ we  witness and ask blessings for the heroism of doctors and nurses,/ and the many who provide services to the nation./ We ask a new depth of conscience for those who display selfishness or greed;/ who show little regard for the common good./ We pray to the Lord.

For ourselves and the calming of our anxieties and worst imaginings./ Every day, may we embrace the things that truly matter most./ We pray for those who are shut-in and suffering loneliness and fear./ We pray to the Lord.

Spring announces,/ with its gifts of birth and new growth,/ its melting and warming,/ that we can change./ We ask for that change of heart which overcomes the bitter divisions/ leaving the nation weaker./ We pray to the Lord.

Around the world,/ more than 300,000 people have died in recent weeks from the Coronavirus pandemic./ We pray for them,/ and the sorrowing spouses,/ siblings,/ young children,/ parents and friends they leave behind./ We pray to the Lord.