
Friday, June 12, 2020

Intercessions ~ Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

This Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is a Feast of Unity./ In times of great division and animosity,/ may we become the unifying and healing food we eat./ We pray to the Lord.

The Eucharistic food we receive at Mass,/ in truth is the Body and Blood of Christ./ But this reality of Christ is also encountered in the poor and the vulnerable who inhabit this earth./ May we recognize deeply this other sacred presence./ We pray to the Lord.

As churches open and congregations gather again for worship,/ may we take nothing for granted./ May our attention to one another and to God's word,/ with the joy and intensity of our prayer and singing,/ give evidence of this appreciation./ We pray to the Lord.

As our nation suffers great pain,/ division and violence,/ may we embrace some act of repentance for the great sin of our historical racism,/ and become the more perfect union our founders envisioned./ For the heart-conversion of those who hate human diversity./  We pray to the Lord.

May the President of the United States/ and every elected official/ be a source of unity,/ and never a source of division,/ which weakens and demoralizes the people./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who remain sick/ or who have been newly diagnosed./ For those who care for them at home or in hospitals./ For businesses which are trying to open again./ For those who remain unemployed./ We pray to the Lord.

We join Pope Francis in his prayer for the more than 400,000 persons who have died of  the Coronavirus./ We pray as well for the those who mourn them as family,/ friends,/ neighbors and colleagues./ We pray to the Lord.