
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

At the start of September,/ we pray for those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance./ We ask for gifts of health,/ safety,/ peace and growth in goodness./ We pray to the Lord.

These are days of sickness,/ death,/ economic and personal suffering for many./ We pray boldly for the restoration and strengthening of hope./ We pray to the Lord.

This Labor Day weekend,/ we pray for the many who are unemployed these days,/ whose businesses have closed,/ who are suffering food or housing insecurity./ For those around the world whose work is  dangerous,/ dirty or degrading./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the students,/ teachers and staff/ who are returning to school these days./ At one rally recently people booed when the announcement was made requiring masks./ May we grow in love/ and learn the wisdom of caring for others./ We pray to the Lord.

Patriot Day is Friday,/ September 11,/ a day of tribute to the nearly three thousand people who died this day nineteen years ago./ We pray for those who were injured/ or who still mourn the loss of loved ones./ We pray for those whose health is compromised for their work on the pile in the subsequent weeks and months./We pray to the lord.

As Election Day approaches,/ we ask for leaders who will work for the good of all,/who can listen and learn,/ who pander to no one,/ who are free of money and power interests,/ whose Pro-Life claim is most broad and encompassing./ We pray to the Lord.